At Get It Straight Orthodontics in Rochester, we understand that there’s simply no such thing as a one-size-fits-all solution to teeth straightening. We’re proud to offer a comprehensive array of services to help you find the best solution, read more about each below.

Ortho 101
Learn the basics of teeth straightening, treatment during different stages of life, and today’s most popular and effective Orthodontic treatment options.

Early Treatment
Very few sets of teeth straighten on their own, and early treatment is the most effective way to ensure the optimal results with minimal complications.

Adult Treatment
Many are shocked to learn just how many options there are when it comes to adult Orthodontics, read more about braces and aligners for adults.

VPro Propel
A revolutionary breakthrough in orthodontic treatment now allows our patients to accelerate their treatment time by up to 50%.
learn more
Eliminate Jaw Surgery
Get It Straight Orthodontics in Rochester has made it possible for many to avoid jaw surgery and the resulting downtime, learn more about how we can help.

3D Treatment Planning
Our team of expert Orthodontists utilize advanced iCAT 3D imaging scans to accurately identify issues and tailor a treatment plan suited to your needs, read more!

Suitable for younger and older patients, retainers are a popular, convenient way to straighten teeth gradually over time with little discomfort or interference.
Adolescent Treatment
The adolescent age is also a good time for orthodontic treatment because at this stage in life many of the negative associations children have of braces have not yet developed.

Schedule your free consultation online
For more detailed information on our complete offering of Orthodontic treatments and oral health services, we invite you to contact any of the three Get It Straight offices in the Rochester area. Or call our main office at 585-522-0005 and we’ll be happy to get you started.